Hi! Hola! This is Sergio Albiac

About me

I experiment at the visual intersection between generative computer code, deep learning and traditional media. I write computer programs that transform reality to express ideas about identity, beauty, chance and human emotions. My work revolves around the universes we create in our minds and the tensions that arise when confronted to our realities. The illusion of control in a world much governed by randomness and the existing negotiation between reason and instincts are recurring inspirational themes. The final result of this artistic process is not always preconceived: it can be a painting, a giclée print, a video art piece, a generative portrait or an interactive installation running on the cloud.

I do not feel constrained to a single medium or style. I use either traditional or new media to express my artistic vision. I am guided by uncertainty, intuition and passion and I want to stimulate in you alternative answers to old questions or better, brand new doubts.

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